A partner who couldn’t believe what they caught their boyfriend’s mother doing in view of their camera has appealed for online verdicts on their ensuing decision to move out because of it.

The original poster (OP), user Eternal_Sunshine333, and their “absolutely wonderful” boyfriend of two years are both in college and live together with a couple of other roommates, they explained in a Reddit post on Jan. 28.

They all pitch in to rent the place, which the OP specified is their significant other’s mom’s vacation home. And that leads to the conflict in question.

Too Spicy

According to the OP’s post, they often bring home free chips and salsa from the restaurant where they work. However, for months, the spicy salsa they grab for their boyfriend has later been mixed into one container with the regular salsa the OP—who can’t handle the heat—takes for themself.

Since everyone in the house denied being responsible, the OP opted to get a security camera to see who was “messing” with them and their salsa, they noted. Soon enough, they had their answer.

“HIS MOTHER,” the OP declared in a post that’s racked up 1,400 upvotes.

“So she’s been showing up while everyone is gone, looking through our fridge and pulling out all sorts of items and going into our cabinet and getting a bigger container and putting the salsa together.

“This led to a huge argument about how weird his mother is for coming into our space and messing with our stuff. She does this every time she comes over and I’ve had enough.”

The boyfriend’s mom told him that she was “making space” in the fridge and that she was not going to stop.

So, at the time of writing their post, the OP had their belongings packed and was ready to, “Get the heck out of here, but my boyfriend says I’m being an a** about all of this.”

While personal relationships add more layers to the OP’s drama, one of the most common reasons a landlord-tenant dispute arises in general is the latter feeling their privacy isn’t being respected by the former, according to RentPost.

As the experts put it, “When landlords intrude unnecessarily”, or “over-monitor,” relationships with tenants can “sour quickly.”

On a related internet note, a tenant was applauded by readers for how they responded after their landlord changed their rental contact, as Newsweek reported.

‘This is creepy’

A Reddit user raised the bigger picture when replying to the OP: “You essentially are saying that your landlord comes into your house when you aren’t home and digs around in your fridge uninvited… Like what?

“It seems a little bit insignificant on the surface, but it indicates much worse things.”

Another user urged the OP not to second-guess themself: “If you have somewhere else to go, go.”

A fellow supporter was also critical of the mother and strongly suggested: “Loop in your other roommates… I am sure they won’t be thrilled about mommy going through their things either… This is creepy.”

Meanwhile, an individual on the OP’s side couldn’t believe their boyfriend’s reaction: “It is shocking he won’t back you up on this. I wouldn’t trust anything I ate if I stayed there.

“If you DO decide to stay… Just bring home what you will eat.”

Similarly, another person chimed in: “Let’s get it straight: this is NOT about salsa… You have a boyfriend problem, because HE can’t set boundaries with his mother.”

“Maybe you’re right,” the OP wrote back to that particular person.

“There [have] been a lot of other things that she’s done that seem like [she’s] targeting me,” the OP replied elsewhere in the thread, “She doesn’t seem to like me at all.”

Newsweek has contacted Eternal_Sunshine333 for comment via Reddit.

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